Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games: Effie Trinket Reaping Nails

The Midnight premier of The Hunger Games was awesome!

Last night I went with my family and friends, we got there really early to get good seats, and we watched the midnight premier of The Hunger Games. While watching the movie, of course I payed attention  to the nails when they were shown... and one in particular stood out to me.  Effie Trinket's nails from the Reaping looked like something I could easily re-create, so I hope you can see the similarities!

 I used Zoya Tru as the base, then used a makeup sponge to dab on Piggy Polish Gold for it! on the tips, then I added NYX Girls Gilded Glitter for a little bit bigger chunks of glitter. :)

 Here are some photos of her nails at the reaping:

I think I did pretty well recreating the look. :)

What do you think?

XOX Caitlin


  1. That's so neat! And I'm glad to see something other than Katniss nails!

  2. Very interesting combination of purple and gold!

  3. Love it! These are some of the nails that I actually noticed too! :)

  4. I think you're very close to Effie Trinkets' nails!! I love the purple & gold combination :)


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