Thursday, July 26, 2012

Vacation Week Full of Guest Posts!

Guess where I'm headed!

You guessed it LONDON! I am super excited about this vacation, as it is my very first time out of the country. I will be doing all the touristy things of course, and we have a few days we will be vacationing in Bath. There is just so much to see and do!

In light of my vacation I so graciously asked in a few polish groups on facebook if any lovely ladies would like to do a guest post for me while I am away, and let me tell you, YOU WON'T BE DISSAPPOINTED!   I had 11 amazing ladies contact me back, so for the next 11 days a new guest post will be on the blog!  I am super excited for you guys to see what is coming up! 

I will also still post manis from the BFF challenge on Thursday and Saturday, as those themes were predetermined, so I have them ready and set to post those days as well! 

I really love all of the support I have received from all of you who follow my blog, and I really can't wait to get to London and see what I can get myself into! I know I am going shopping, so don't be surprised if there is a little giveaway when I return. ;)

I am so excited about these next few weeks, they will be amazing, I just know it!  Thanks for all your love and support!

XOX Caitlin


  1. This is awesome! Are you going to the freaking Olympics?! I figured if you were you would mention it, but I had to ask!

    1. Im actually not going to the olympics, it just so happened they are going on while im there, lol. My boyfriend lives in london, and I am going to visit him. <3

  2. Fun manicure and a fun vacation! So, so, so cool that you are headed overseas...what amazing polish finds await you I wonder ;)

  3. Great mani! I hope you will have great vacation!

  4. Great mani, and have a great trip. Your going to have the time of your life. Uk is so much fun.


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